Handle updates to Knewton API features and functionality
The Knewton API will continue to expand and evolve. The following types of API modifications are not considered to be breaking changes and may occur at any time. Learning applications integrating with the Knewton API are expected to handle such changes gracefully.
Existing header, path, and request body parameter keys and and formats will not change within the current version of the API.
Knewton’s version support policy for the Knewton APIs is as follows: each new version of the Knewton API shall have a six (6) month period following release where such version is considered a “release candidate.” During that six (6) month period, Knewton collects input from its API partners and can make changes to that version of the Knewton API. After that six (6) months ends, the release candidate is promoted to a long-term support (“LTS”) version of such Knewton API. When a new LTS version of a Knewton API is released, the previous LTS version will continue to be supported for a period of 12 months; provided, however, that the foregoing shall not be construed to limit Knewton’s ability to require immediately implementation of patches and updates to address security, intellectual property, legal compliance or other critical issues.
Getting Started
Working with Adaptive Assignments
Predictive Learner Analytics
General API Usage
Brand Guidelines