Rate Limits

Understand limits on Knewton API request rates

In this section:

Rate Limiting

Knewton enforces a set of rate limits, i.e. limits on frequency and volume of interactions with the Knewton API. These limits ensure that no one user or partner can impact the availability of the system for other users on our multi-tenant platform. Rate limits are designed to accommodate use-cases of most applications. Partners should contact their Knewton representative if their applications are frequently rate-limited by Knewton’s APIs.

Knewton enforces rate limits in a few ways:

  1. Knewton applies limits to unauthenticated requests originating from the same IP address.
  2. Knewton applies limits to authenticated requests per Access Token. The token-based limit may vary per API endpoint. Note Knewton recommends that a partner application make all requests with a single access token.
  3. Knewton applies limits per partner application.

When an application exceeds one of these rate limits, Knewton will respond to a request with an HTTP error response containing:

  • status code 429
  • an X-Knewton-Rate-Exceeded header that indicates which type of rate limit was exceeded
  • a JSON body that contains:
      {"message": "Too many requests."}

IP Address-based Rate Limiting

IP Address-based rate limiting is enforced when an incoming request has yet to be authenticated (i.e. a request is made to retrieve access or refresh tokens) or if an incoming request has failed authentication (i.e. a request is made with incorrect or expired tokens).

  • A single IP address may make as many as 100 OAuth token requests per second.
  • A single IP address may make as many as 10 unauthenticated requests per second to any other URI.

If the client exceeds this rate, Knewton will attempt to queue the next request. This will result in a delay in processing the request. Knewton will include an X-Knewton-Rate-Delay header in the response that will contain the time of the delay in milliseconds. For instance, if the response contains X-Knewton-Rate-Delay: 100, it means that the response was delayed for 100 milliseconds because the client IP exceeded the requests-per-second limit.

If the request queue for the IP-URI pair is full, Knewton will respond with an HTTP 429 error with an X-Knewton-Rate-Exceeded: ip-limited header.

Access Token-based Rate Limiting

Knewton limits the rate of requests made per access token and API endpoint (HTTP Method & URI). Token-based rate limits vary by endpoint.

Refer to Authentication and Authorization to learn how to authenticate and acquire an access token for the partner admin account.

When a client exceeds a token-based rate limit, Knewton will respond with an HTTP 429 error with an an X-Knewton-Rate-Exceeded: token-limited header.

Note, again, that although Knewton can issue a separate access token to each User Account ( see Legacy Fine-Grained Authentication), we strongly recommend that a partner application make all requests with a single access token granted to the partner admin account.

Please inform your Knewton representative if you plan to follow the recommended single-token approach.

Partner-based Rate Limiting

Finally, Knewton may limit the rate of requests to an endpoint across all partner access tokens. Again, such limits may vary by endpoint.

When a client exceeds a partner-based rate limit, Knewton will respond with an HTTP 429 error with an an X-Knewton-Rate-Exceeded: partner-limited header.

There is no default partner-based rate limit for most API endpoints. Speak with your Knewton representative to determine appropriate limits.

Handling rate limit errors

When Knewton responds with a 429 Error, a partner application should assume that Knewton has not processed any part of the request. The application should be prepared to wait for some time for the rate limit quota to replenish, and then resend the request. Consider applying an exponential backoff strategy to determine the time to delay each attempt to resend.

Note that exhausting the quota on one endpoint does not mean that the application must wait to make calls to other endpoints.


The following flowchart summarizes how Knewton applies IP address, token and partner-based rate limits:

Rate Limit Flowchart

Rate Limits

The Knewton API maintains a set of rate limits for different endpoints within the system. The table below specifies these limits.

Action Endpoint Rate Limit
Account and Auth    
Account create POST /accounts 750/min/token
Account create (batch) POST /batch 90/min/token
Account current GET /accounts/current 15/min/token
Account get ID GET /accounts/{id} 15/min/token
Account delete DELETE /accounts/{id} 150/min/token
Registration create POST /registrations 375/min/token
Registraton get GET /registrations/{id} 15/min/token
Registration delete DELETE /registrations/{id} 375/min/token
Learning Instances    
Learning Instance create POST /learning-instances 750/min/token
Learning Instance get GET /learning-instances 15/min/token
Learning Instance get (id) GET /learning-instances/{id} 15/min/token
Learning Instance get registrations GET /learning-instances/{id}/registrations 15/min/token
Goal creation POST /learning-instances/{id}/scoped-goals 90/min/token
Goal update PUT /learning-instances/{id}/scoped-goals/{goal_id} 90/min/token
Goal assignment (individual) PUT /learning-instances/{learning_instance_id}/scoped-goals/ {goal_id}/registrations/{registration_id} 135/min/token
Goal assignment (batch) PUT /learning-instances/{learning_instance_id}/scoped-goals/ {goal_id}/registrations 10 assigns/min/token or 100 unassigns/min/token
Goal assignment check GET /learning-instances/{learning_instance_id}/scoped-goals/ {goal_id}/registrations/{registration_id} 15/min/token
Goal assignment delete DELETE /learning-instances/{learning_instance_id}/scoped-goals/ {goal_id}/registrations/{registration_id} 135/min/token
Student Events ungraded POST /registrations/{id}/ungraded-events 15/min/token
Student Events graded POST /registrations/{id}/graded-events 15/min/token
Focus events POST /registrations/{id}/focus-events 15/min/token
Recommendation followed POST /registrations/{id}/recommendation-followed-events 15/min/token
Batch Events POST /registrations/{id}/batch-events 15/min/token
Recommendation get GET /registrations/{id}/recommendation?goal_id={goal_id} 15/min/token
Expected Score for learning instance POST /learning-instances/{id}/metrics/expected-score/rows 225/min/token
Readiness Forecast for learning instance POST /learning-instances/{id}/metrics/readiness-forecast/rows 225/min/token
Active Time for taxon(s) or goal(s) for learning instance POST /learning-instances/{id}/metrics/active-time/rows 225/min/token
Proficiency for learning instance POST /learning-instances/{id}/metrics/proficiency/rows 225/min/token
Expected Score for registration POST /registrations/{id}/metrics/expected-score/rows 225/min/token
Readiness Forecast for registration POST /registrations/{id}/metrics/readiness-forecast/rows 225/min/token
Active Time for taxon(s) or goal(s) for registration POST /registrations/{id}/metrics/active-time/rows 225/min/token
Proficiency for registration POST /registrations/{id}/metrics/proficiency/rows 225/min/token
Predicted Score for account(s) POST /accounts/metrics/predicted-score 140/min/partner
Status and Progress for learning instance POST /learning-instances/{id}/metrics/status-and-progress 225/min/token
Status and Progress for registration POST /registrations/{id}/metrics/status-and-progress 225/min/token
Smart Groupings    
Learners to Watch POST learning-instances/{id}/metrics/groups 25/min/token