Events (Student Events)

Communicating student experiences and interactions

knAtom For more information about understanding and communicating student experiences through events, please see: Sending Events

In this section:

Student Events

Send an Ungraded Event

POST /registrations/{id}/ungraded-events

Creates a new ungraded event for the given registration. This is used to record work that a student has done against a teaching module which does not assess knowledge.

Note that events (including ungraded events) should only be sent on atoms, and never on bundles. If a student completes atoms in a bundle, then a separate event must be sent for each atom.


This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user or the user associated with the registration.

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Optional Description
id uuid No The ID of the registration with which the student’s interactions are associated.

Request Body

Parameter Type Optional Description
duration duration Yes The best estimate of the number of milliseconds the student gave primary attention to the module. This is required if Active Time or Time Spent will be requested for as part of Analytics.
module_id uuid or string No The ID of the instructional atom with which the user interacted. May be the atom’s UUID or its “mref-“ prefixed partner label.
interaction_end_time datetime No The time this interaction ended.
is_complete boolean Yes This field is not used but is preserved for backwards compatibility, and should always be present and set to ‘true’ in all implementations. If a student has not fully consumed a piece of content, then no event should be sent at all.
goal_id uuid Yes The ID of the goal on which the user was working when this interaction took place. May be omitted if the interaction occurred outside the context of an adaptive assignment.

Sample Request Body

  "duration": 312904,
  "module_id": "mref-c3f6b4f2-4496-4e46-a48b-885b9a44c86b",
  "interaction_end_time": "2012-11-19T16:30:31-04:00",
  "is_complete": "true",
  "goal_id": "57466e95-6019-498d-9c42-9180aa663304"

Send a Graded Event

POST /registrations/{id}/graded-events

Sends a new graded event for the given registration. This is used to record work that a student has done against a module which assesses a learner.

Note that events (including graded events) should only be sent on atoms, and never on bundles. If a student completes atoms in a bundle, then a separate event must be sent for each atom.


This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user or the user associated with the registration.

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Optional Description
id uuid No The ID of the registration with which the student’s interactions are associated.

Request Body

Parameter Type Optional Description
duration duration Yes The best estimate of the number of milliseconds the student gave primary attention to the module. This is required if Active Time or Time Spent will be requested for as part of Analytics.
module_id uuid or string No The ID of the atom with which the user interacted. May be the atom’s UUID or its “mref-“ prefixed partner label.
interaction_end_time datetime No The time this interaction ended.
is_correct boolean No true if the learner demonstrated the knowledge assessed by the item, false otherwise.
is_complete boolean Yes This field is not used but is preserved for backwards compatibility, and should always be present and set to ‘true’ in all implementations. If a student has not answered an assessment module, then no event should be sent. If the student has answered an assessment module, but the partner software does not yet know if the assessment is correct or incorrect, then it should wait to send an event until it has determined correctness.
instance_hash string Yes A string that uniquely identifies which instance of an algorithmic question was shown, within the context of the module_id. This field should only be provided when sending an event for algorithmic question.
goal_id uuid Yes The ID of the goal on which the user was working when this interaction took place. May be omitted if the interaction occurred outside the context of an adaptive assignment.

Sample Request Body

  "duration": 12294,
  "module_id": "mref-f7e86f46-b81f-4ef7-aac1-e4fdf5e7612e",
  "interaction_end_time": "2012-11-19T16:30:31-04:00",
  "is_correct": true,
  "is_complete": true,
  "instance_hash": "6,7",
  "goal_id": "57466e95-6019-498d-9c42-9180aa663304"

Send a Recommendation-Followed Event

POST /registrations/{id}/recommendation-followed-events

Records that the user followed the given recommendation.


This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user or the user associated with the registration.

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Optional Description
id uuid No The ID of the registration with which the student’s interactions are associated.

Request Body

Parameter Type Optional Description
module_id uuid No The ID of the module with which the user interacted. May be the module’s UUID or its “mref-“ prefixed partner label.
time_followed datetime No Time the recommendation was followed.
recommendation_id long No The ID of the recommendation that was followed. Note: recommendation IDs are integers and not UUIDs.

Sample Request Body

  "recommendation_id": 9289981383,
  "module_id": "mref-f7e86f46-b81f-4ef7-aac1-e4fdf5e7612e",
  "time_followed": "2012-11-19T16:30:31-04:00"

Send a Focus Event (DEPRECATED)

POST /registrations/{id}/focus-events

Notify that the student is focusing on a specific goal.

This endpoint is deprecated and should not be used in new integrations. Goals will automatically focus whenever a recommendation is requested for the goal.


This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user or the user associated with the registration.

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Optional Description
id uuid No The ID of the registration with which the student’s interactions are associated.

Request Body

Parameter Type Optional Description
goal_id uuid No ID of the goal the student is focusing on.

Sample Request Body

  "goal_id": "57466e95-6019-498d-9c42-9180aa663304"

Send a Batch Event

POST /registrations/{id}/batch-events

Creates a new batch event for a given registration. Batched events allow API clients to combine multiple events into one request so that multiple events can be posted at once.


This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user or the user associated with the registration.

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Optional Description
id uuid No The ID of the registration with which the student’s interactions are associated.

Request Body

Parameter Type Optional Description
goal_id uuid Yes The ID of the goal for which this batch of events is to be sent. The presence of a goal ID is equivalent to sending a focus event for that goal before sending the remainder of the events in the batch.
events object[] No List of events to be sent as a batch. Graded, ungraded, and recommendation followed events can be included. Events must be listed in reverse chronological order (most recent event first.)
events[].type string No Type of event, can be one of “recommendation-followed”, “graded-events”, or “ungraded-events”
ignore_invalid_module_ids boolean Yes When set to true, the module IDs will not be validated. This allows events to be sent (and ignored) for content that may not have been processed for adaptivity. When set to false, if at least one of the module IDs is invalid (not recognized by Knewton) the request will produce an error. Defaults to false. Note that the endpoint will give no indication of whether or not events were ignored, so the use of this flag is greatly discouraged.

Sample Request Body

  "goal_id": "e69b1375-a5ae-4392-a40c-579ecd8dcebc",
  "events": [
      "type": "recommendation-followed",
      "recommendation_id": 9289981383,
      "module_id": "mref-f7e86f46-b81f-4ef7-aac1-e4fdf5e7612e",
      "time_followed": "2012-11-19T16:30:31-04:00"
      "type": "graded-events",
      "duration": 12294,
      "module_id": "mref-f7e86f46-b81f-4ef7-aac1-e4fdf5e7612e",
      "interaction_end_time": "2012-11-19T16:30:31-04:00",
      "is_correct": true,
      "is_complete": true,
      "instance_hash": "6,7",
      "goal_id": "57466e95-6019-498d-9c42-9180aa663304"
      "type": "ungraded-events",
      "duration": 312904,
      "module_id": "mref-c3f6b4f2-4496-4e46-a48b-885b9a44c86b",
      "interaction_end_time": "2012-11-19T16:30:31-04:00",
      "is_complete": "true",
      "goal_id": "57466e95-6019-498d-9c42-9180aa663304"