Define adaptive experiences for your students
See Building Goals in our implementation guide for more information about designing goals.
In this section:
POST /learning-instances/{li_id}/scoped-goals
This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user or a user registered as an instructor for the specified learning instance.
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
li_id | uuid | No | The ID of a learning instance that will own the goal |
Parameter | Type | Optional | In/Out | Description |
name | string | No | In/Out | Name of the goal Warning: Goal names must not contain any personally identifiable information (PII). Goal names containing email addresses in the name will be rejected. |
targets | object | Yes | In/Out | Specifies the content to be learned for this assignment. |
targets.include | string[] | Yes | In/Out | List of module IDs (mref’s) or learning objective IDs (lref’s) that identify the content to be learned for this assignment. Prefer using learning objectives. Exactly one of targets or topics must be specified. |
targets.score | float | Yes | In/Out | Deprecated: prefer completion_criteria with learning objective targets. The minimum score the student must achieve to be eligible for target completion, using the Expected Score analytic. Exactly one of targets.score or completion_criteria must be specified. |
targets.completion_behavior | string | Yes | In/Out | Deprecated. Valid values are all and average . A goal using all completes when students reach the target score on all targets. A goal using average completes when the average score on targets is above the target score. Defaults to all . ⚠ This field’s value cannot be changed when updating a goal. |
topics | object[] | Yes | In/Out | List of groups of related targets, which can be specified instead of the flat targets list to better organize the student experience for larger goals that cover multiple topics. Exactly one of targets or topics must be specified. |
topics[].id | string | No | In/Out | Name of the topic. May be any string that is unique among the topics for this goal. Should be less than 64 characters. |
topics[].include | string[] | No | In/Out | List of learning objective IDs (lref’s) that describe the content to be learned for this topic. |
topics[].exclude | string[] | Yes | In/Out | List of concept IDs (cref’s) that identify concepts to be avoided by the recommender when recommendations are requested for the goal. Only relevant for goals on graphs that contain concept information. |
timing | object | No | In/Out | Specifies the deadline for learners to complete the goal, which must be within 2 years of the time of this request. |
timing.end | datetime | Yes | In/Out | ISO 8601 datetime string specifying the absolute date and time by which learners are expected to complete the goal. Exactly one of end or relative_deadline must be specified. |
timing.relative_deadline | duration | Yes | In/Out | ISO 8601 duration string specifying the date and time by which learners are expected to complete the goal, relative to the time of this request. Exactly one of end or relative_deadline must be specified. |
scope | object | Yes | In/Out | Defines the “recommendable pool” - the set of content that the recommender can choose from when a recommendation is requested. |
scope.remediation_depth | string | Yes | In/Out | Limit on how far back in the content domain a student can be remediated, specified as a max number of prerequisite hops away from the goal’s targets. One of “none”, “one”, “two”, “three”, or “maximum”. Exactly one of include or remediation_depth must be specified. |
scope.include | string[] | Yes | In/Out | List of taxon IDs (tref’s) or module IDs (mref’s) to be included in the recommendable pool. Exactly one of include or remediation_depth must be specified. |
scope.exclude | string[] | Yes | In/Out | List of taxon IDs (tref’s) or module IDs (mref’s) to be excluded from the recommendable pool. Defaults to []. |
config.analytics_enabled | boolean | Yes | In/Out | Flag to indicate whether to compute Readiness Forecast, Active Time, and Expected Score for this goal. Defaults to false. If false, analytics requests for this goal will return empty payloads. ⚠ This field’s value cannot be changed when updating a goal. |
config.assign_to | string | Yes | In/Out | Specifies the types of registrations to assign the goal to when it’s created. One of “learners”, “instructors” or “all”. Defaults to not assigning the goal to any registrations. ⚠ This field’s value cannot be changed when updating a goal. |
completion_criteria | object | Yes | In/Out | Specifies the criteria for the goal to be considered completed for a learner, defining the parameters for the Status & Progress analtyic. Requires the goal to be defined with learning objective targets. Exactly one of targets.score or completion_criteria must be specified. |
completion_criteria. min_predicted_mastery |
float | Yes | In/Out | Minimum score the student must achieve to be eligible for target completion, using the Predicted Mastery analytic. |
completion_criteria. min_work_per_target |
integer | Yes | In/Out | Minimum number of assessing interactions the student must have on a target’s concepts to be eligible for target completion. |
completion_criteria. max_work_on_goal |
integer | Yes | In/Out | Maximum number of assessing and instructing interactions the student can have on a goal, including on-target and off-target work, before it is considered completed regardless of progress towards min_predicted_mastery . |
adaptive_behavior | string | Yes | In/Out | Tells the recommendations engine how to structure the pedagogy concerning this goal. Valid values are practice ,introduce , and review . The default value is practice . See Specifying Adaptive Behavior for Scoped Goals ⚠ This field’s value cannot be changed when updating a goal. |
id | uuid | No | Out | Goal ID |
last_modified | datetime | No | Out | Time the goal was last created or modified |
Sample Request Body: with completion criteria
"name": "Addition of single digit numbers",
"targets": {
"include": [
"scope": {
"remediation_depth": "two",
"exclude": [
"completion_criteria": {
"min_predicted_mastery": 0.7,
"min_work_per_target": 3
"config": {
"analytics_enabled": true,
"assign_to": "all"
"adaptive_behavior": "introduce"
Sample Response Body: with completion criteria
"id": "57466e95-6019-498d-9c42-9180aa663309",
"last_updated": "2020-12-27T08:32:27.808Z",
"name": "Addition of single digit numbers",
"targets": {
"include": [
"scope": {
"remediation_depth": "two",
"exclude": ["tref-TOC:Unit5"]
"completion_criteria": {
"min_predicted_mastery": 0.7,
"min_work_per_target": 3
"config": {
"analytics_enabled": true,
"assign_to": "all"
"adaptive_behavior": "introduce"
Sample Request Body: with topics
"name":"Addition of single digit numbers",
"id":"Whole Numbers",
"adaptive_behavior": "introduce"
Sample Response Body: with topics
"id": "57466e95-6019-498d-9c42-9180aa663309",
"last_updated": "2020-12-27T08:32:27.808Z",
"name": "Addition of single digit numbers",
"id":"Whole Numbers",
"scope": {
"remediation_depth": "two",
"exclude": ["tref-TOC:Unit5"]
"completion_criteria": {
"min_predicted_mastery": 0.7,
"min_work_per_target": 3
"config": {
"analytics_enabled": true,
"assign_to": "all"
"adaptive_behavior": "introduce"
Sample Request Body: with target score
"name": "Addition of single digit numbers",
"targets": {
"include": [
"score": 0.75
"timing": {
"relative_deadline": "P2W1D8H"
"scope": {
"remediation_depth": "none",
"exclude": [
"config": {
"analytics_enabled": false,
"assign_to": "all"
"adaptive_behavior": "introduce"
Sample Response Body: with target score
"id": "57466e95-6019-498d-9c42-9180aa663304",
"last_updated": "2013-04-12T17:00:00.000Z",
"name": "Addition of single digit numbers",
"targets": {
"include": [
"score": 0.75
"timing": {
"end": "2013-04-28T01:00:00.000Z",
"relative_deadline": "P2W1D8H"
"scope": {
"remediation_depth": "none",
"exclude": ["tref-TOC:Unit5"]
"config": {
"analytics_enabled": false,
"assign_to": "all"
"adaptive_behavior": "introduce"
PUT /learning-instances/{li_id}/scoped-goals/{goal_id}
Update an existing goal. This change will apply to all registrations which currently have the goal assigned as the time of the update.
The following fields cannot be updated:
This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user or a user registered as an instructor for the specified learning instance.
Note: No partial updates, you must post the entire goal body
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
li_id | uuid | No | The ID of the learning instance that owns the goal |
goal_id | uuid | No | The ID of the goal to update |
See Create a new goal.
DELETE /learning-instances/{li_id}/scoped-goals/{goal_id}
Delete an existing goal.
This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user or a user registered as an instructor for the specified learning instance.
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
li_id | uuid | No | The ID of the learning instance that owns the goal |
goal_id | uuid | No | The ID of the goal to delete |
PUT /learning-instances/{li_id}/scoped-goals/{goal_id}/registrations/{reg_id}
Assign a goal to a registration in order for recommendations and analytics to be generated.
This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user or a user registered as an instructor for the specified learning instance.
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
li_id | uuid | No | The ID of the learning instance that owns the goal |
goal_id | uuid | No | The ID of the goal to assign |
reg_id | uuid | No | The ID of the registration for which to assign the goal |
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
goal_id | uuid | No | The ID of the goal that has been assigned |
registration_id | uuid | No | The ID of the registration that has been assigned the goal |
Sample Response Body
"goal_id": "1538cf56-2fec-4734-b477-6b74ab489273",
"registration_id": "6b74ab48-7f56-6b74-6b74-6b741538cf56"
GET /learning-instances/{li_id}/scoped-goals/{goal_id}/registrations/{reg_id}
Check if the registration has been assigned to this goal. If an HTTP 404 Not Found is returned, then it has not been assigned, otherwise it has been.
This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user, a user registered as an instructor for the specified learning instance, or the user that corresponds to the registration.
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
goal_id | uuid | No | The ID of the goal that has been assigned |
registration_id | uuid | No | The ID of the registration that has been assigned the goal |
"goal_id": "1538cf56-2fec-4734-b477-6b74ab489273",
"registration_id": "6b74ab48-7f56-6b74-6b74-6b741538cf56"
DELETE /learning-instances/{li_id}/scoped-goals/{goal_id}/registrations/{reg_id}
Unassign the goal for a specific registration.
This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user or a user registered as an instructor for the specified learning instance.
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
li_id | uuid | No | The ID of the learning instance that owns the goal |
goal_id | uuid | No | The ID of the goal to assign |
reg_id | uuid | No | The ID of the registration for which to assign the goal |
PUT /learning-instances/{li_id}/scoped-goals/{goal_id}/registrations
Assign (or unassign) a goal to (or from) multiple registrations in a single call.
This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user or a user registered as an instructor for the specified learning instance.
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
li_id | uuid | No | The ID of the learning instance that owns the goal |
goal_id | uuid | No | The ID of the goal to assign |
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
action | string | No | Must be either “assign” or “unassign” |
registration_type | string | Yes | Type of batch call - can be either “all”, “learners”, or “instructors”. Only one of registration_type or registration_ids can be specified. |
registration_ids | uuid[] | Yes | List of registration ids to assign or unassign. Only one of registration_type or registration_ids can be specified. |
Sample Request Body
"action": "assign",
"registration_ids": [
Parameter | Type | Optional | Description |
action | string | No | Must be either “assign” or “unassign” |
registration_type | string | Yes | Type of batch call - can be either “all”, “learners”, or “instructors”. Only one of registration_type or registration_ids can be specified. |
registration_ids | uuid[] | Yes | List of registration ids to assign or unassign. Only one of registration_type or registration_ids can be specified. |
success.code | integer | Yes | Part of a partial response, the HTTP status code for this part |
success.body | object | Yes | Part of a partial response, contains the successfully updated registration ids |
success.body.registration_ids | uuid[] | Yes | The IDs for the registrations successfully updated |
failure[].code | integer | Yes | Part of a partial response, the HTTP status for this part of the errors |
failure[].message | string | Yes | Part of a partial response, a string description of the error that occurred |
failure[].error_id | uuid | Yes | Part of a partial response, a unique error ID for this failure |
failure[].body | object | Yes | Part of a partial response, contains the unsuccessfully updated registration IDs |
failure[].body.registration_ids | uuid[] | Yes | The IDs for the registrations not successfully updated |
Sample Response Body:
"action": "assign",
"registration_ids": [
"success": {
"code": 200,
"body": {
"registration_ids": [