Learning Instances

Manage your adaptive learners and their instructors in meaningful groups

In this section:

Creating Learning Instances

POST /learning-instances

Creates a new learning instance.


This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user

Request Body

Warning: Learning instance names must not contain any personally identifiable information (PII). Learning instances names containing email addresses in the name will be rejected.

Parameter Type Optional Description
graph_id uuid or string No The graph ID (uuid or gref-) this learning instance teaches. Note: a learning instance’s graph ID cannot be changed once the instance has been created.
name string No A human-readable name used to identify the learning instance.
end_date datetime Yes The final date for learner involvement in this learning instance.
start_date datetime Yes The beginning date for learner involvement in this learning instance.

Sample Request Body

  "graph_id": "gref-Knewton Mathematics",
  "name": "Fifth Grade Math Class 401",
  "end_date": "2020-12-15T17:00:00.000Z"

Response Body

Parameter Type Optional Description
id uuid No This field is generated by Knewton and returned as part of the response payload.
graph_id uuid or string No The graph ID (uuid or gref-) this learning instance teaches. Note: a learning instance’s graph ID cannot be changed once the instance has been created.
name string No A human-readable name used to identify the learning instance.
end_date datetime Yes The final date for learner involvement in this learning instance.
start_date datetime Yes The beginning date for learner involvement in this learning instance.
in_progress boolean No DEPRECATED. This field is always set to true, and can be ignored. It is maintained as part of the payload for backwards compatibility purposes.

Sample Response Body

  "id": "307b072c-6194-46fa-b226-68d40cee521f",
  "graph_id": "gref-Knewton Mathematics",
  "name": "Fifth Grade Math Class 401",
  "in_progress": true,
  "end_date": "2020-12-15T17:00:00.000Z"

Retrieving Learning Instances

GET /learning-instances/{id}

Retrieves a learning instance with the specified ID.


This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user or a user registered to the learning instance

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Optional Description
id uuid No The learning instance to retrieve.

Response Body

Parameter Type Optional Description
id uuid Yes This field is generated by Knewton and returned as part of the response payload.
graph_id uuid or string No The graph ID (uuid or gref-) this learning instance teaches. Note: a learning instance’s graph ID cannot be changed once the instance has been created.
name string No A human-readable name used to identify the learning instance.
end_date datetime Yes The final date for learner involvement in this learning instance.
start_date datetime Yes The beginning date for learner involvement in this learning instance.
in_progress boolean Yes DEPRECATED. This field is always set to true, and can be ignored. It is maintained as part of the payload for backwards compatibility purposes.
  "id": "307b072c-6194-46fa-b226-68d40cee521f",
  "graph_id": "gref-Knewton Mathematics",
  "name": "Fifth Grade Math Class 401",
  "in_progress": true,
  "start_date": "2020-09-15T08:00:00.000Z",
  "end_date": "2020-12-15T17:00:00.000Z"

Updating Learning Instances

PUT /learning-instances/{id}

Updates a learning instance with a specified id


This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user or a registered intructor to the learning instance

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Optional Description
id uuid No The learning instance to update.

Request Body

Parameter Type Optional Description
name string Yes A human-readable name used to identify the learning instance.
end_date datetime Yes The final date for learner involvement in this learning instance.
start_date datetime Yes The beginning date for learner involvement in this learning instance.

Sample request body

  "name": "Updated learning instance Name",
  "end_date": "2021-12-15T17:00:00.000Z"

Response Body

Parameter Type Optional Description
id uuid Yes This field is generated by Knewton and returned as part of the response payload.
graph_id uuid or string No The graph ID (uuid or gref-) this learning instance teaches. Note: a learning instance’s graph ID cannot be changed once the instance has been created.
name string No A human-readable name used to identify the learning instance.
end_date datetime Yes The final date for learner involvement in this learning instance.
start_date datetime Yes The beginning date for learner involvement in this learning instance.
in_progress boolean Yes DEPRECATED. This field is always set to true, and can be ignored. It is maintained as part of the payload for backwards compatibility purposes.
  "id": "307b072c-6194-46fa-b226-68d40cee521f",
  "graph_id": "gref-Knewton Mathematics",
  "name": "Updated learning instance Name",
  "in_progress": true,
  "start_date": "2020-09-15T08:00:00.000Z",
  "end_date": "2021-12-15T17:00:00.000Z"

Deleting Learning Instances

DELETE /learning-instances/{id}

Deletes a learning instance with a specified id


This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Optional Description
id uuid No The learning instance to delete.

Getting Registrations For a Learning Instance

GET /learning-instances/{li_id}/registrations

Retrieves all registrations for a learning instance with the specified learning instance id.

Detailed description available on the Registrations page.