
Deliver adaptive assignments personalized for each individual student

knAtom Learn more about how recommendations are computed for your learners.

In this section:

Get a Recommendation

GET /registrations/{reg_id}/recommendation?goal_id={goal_id}

Get a set of IDs of content that the Knewton Platform has determined will best help a student to progress towards mastery of the specified goal’s learning objective.


This endpoint must be called by the partner admin user, or the user associated with the specified registration.

Path Parameters

Parameter Type Optional Description
reg_id uuid No The ID of the registration for which to get a recommendation.

Query Parameters

Parameter Type Optional Description
goal_id uuid No The ID of the goal that the recommended content should target.
continued_recommendations boolean Yes If true, recommended module IDs will be returned even if the specified goal has been completed by the specified registration. Default is false.
justifications boolean Yes If true, the response will include information about the pedagogical justification for the recommendation. Default is false. Available only for goals utilizing the current-generation recommendations engine. Reach out to your Knewton representative for more information.

Response Body

Parameter Type Optional Description
recommendation_id long No A unique ID for this recommendation. In some circumstances, a cached recommendation may be returned on successive calls to this endpoint, in which case this ID will remain the same.
module_ids string[] No A list of IDs of recommended modules, in descending order of preference. Empty if the specified registration has already completed the specified goal, and the continued_recommendations query parameter is not set to true.
status string No The specified registration’s current status with respect to the specified goal. Values are described in Goal Status
focus_state string No DEPRECATED. focused if the the specified goal has been both assigned to and focused for the specified registration. Should not be used in new integrations.
stuck boolean Yes Indicates whether or not the user associated with the specified registration is struggling on the currently focused learning objective, and is unlikely to be able to progress with continued work in the adaptive assignment. Available only for goals utilizing the current-generation recommendations engine. Reach out to your Knewton representative for more information.
justifications object Yes A map containing a key for each recommended module ID for which a pedagogical justification is available. Currently, only the top recommended module will have a justification. Absent if the justifications query parameter is not set to true.
string No The ID of the learning objective with which the recommended module is aligned.
string No The ID of the goal target learning objective for which the recommended module intends to advance the student’s progress towards mastery.
string Yes The goal topic that contains the target_learning_objective_id. Absent if the specified goal does not utilize topics.
boolean No true if the currently_learning_objective_id is a prerequisite of the target_learning_objective_id. false otherwise.
string No The pedagogical intent of the recommendation, indicating why the module was recommended. Values are described in Justification Intent.

Goal Status

Value Description
unfocused The goal has not been focused for the registration.
in progress The registration has begun to work on the goal and has not yet completed it.
ready The registration has completed the goal.

Justification Intent

For each recommendation response, one justification intent is returned. The set of justification intents available varies with the goal’s adaptive_behavior.

Value Description practice introduce review
introduction Provides instructional material and a small number of assessment questions to introduce a new learning objective to the student. X
diagnostic Helps diagnose the student’s knowledge state. May occur at the beginning of a topic or when visiting an objective for the first time. X X
instruction_intervention Provides instructional materials to address a perceived gap in the student's understanding. X X X
mastery_demonstration Provides varied practice to allow the student to demonstrate mastery of the current learning objective. X X
continued_practice Provides varied practice for the student to reinforce their knowledge after they have already completed the assignment. X X X
focused_practice Provides additional practice on an LO in which the student has demonstrated a knowledge gap. X
interleaving Provides assessments as part of a review of several LOs during a refresher and/or to diagnose knowledge gaps. X

Sample Response Body

  "recommendation_id": 6665558597358104576,
  "status": "in progress",
  "module_ids": [
  "focus_state": "focused",
  "stuck": false,
  "justifications": {
    "mref-GNF175313": {
      "current_learning_objective_id": "lref-LO12345",
      "target_learning_objective_id": "lref-LO54321",
      "target_topic_id": "Topic 1",
      "remedial": true,
      "intent": "diagnostic"